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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Eloise and the Grump Next Door- Review

Thank you to Jenny Proctor and Emma St. Clair for a free copy of this book!

Eloise and the Grump Next Door by: Jenny Proctor and Emma St. Clair

rating: really liked

Eloise was headed to an uncertain future post college, then her grandmother passed away and now she's stuck on an island renovating her grandmother's home as a condition of her inheritance and stuck next door to her grandmother's very attractive and very grumpy lawyer. I loved the influencer angle in this one as well as the grumpy sunshine dynamic. The chemistry in this one was so fun. One thing that both of these authors do well aside from greeting great chemistry is writing great side characters (the nephew was so good!) and really preparing you for further books in a series without being too heavy handed. I can't wait to see what happens next on Oakley Island! This is a closed door, kisses only romance.

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