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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

2022 Book Goals

I have been trying to decide what I want my word of the year to be. I haven't done one the past couple years, but I have felt like I needed one in 2022 and the word I have landed on is authentic.

I want to do things this year that make me feel more like myself. I want to show up in my community in person and online as exactly who I am. I want to read books that resonate with me, not just what is popular. So here are my book goals that align with being authentic:

Be more willing to DNF.

When I am not loving a book it slows down my whole reading life rhythm. Just because a book is good doesn't mean it's good for me.

Discern better about what I put on my TBR.

Sometimes I read books with recommendations for others in mind instead of how I will enjoy them. That doesn't always make for a great reading life for myself.

Jump into some series and books I have been meaning to get to.

Outlander, Fun Jungle, and Louise Penny come to mind but I know there are more.

Participate in a real life book club

I am starting a book club with some of my local friends and I look forward to this new way to chat about books in my life. It's also a reason for me to host people in my home which I love.

Less Instagram more reading

I need to be better about setting down my phone at night and reading instead of scrolling. I feel more rested and more fulfilled when I read a book before bed instead of scrolling.

️Read the entire Bible in 2022

My faith is a big part of what makes me me, and I want to better get to know the authentic heart of God. The best way to do this is to read His word. I tried and stopped reading @TheBibleRecap plan last year but I have more accountability reading it this year and I'm excited to see what God teaches about Himself.

Do you pick a word of the year? What is it? What are your 2022 book goals?

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