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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks


Did you know I have a not so secret method to take audiobooks from blah to fab?

Even when I was a baby Bookstagrammer learning to take book photos, my initial annoyance was that my audiobook photos were always subpar at best. Taking a picture of a phone never yielded balanced photos because the lighting would never play nice with a lit screen. That's when I started to figure out how to take my flatlays with a blank or stand-in phone and put in the cover in the editing process.

I have come a long way since that first manipulated photo, and I have continually refined my methods along the way. And you get the benefit of all of that learning. I have a FREE tutorial that boils down to 3 easy steps (and one of those is taking the original photo!). The tutorial includes screenshots of every button to click and item to manipulate. Plus I have included three optional bonus steps to help you take it just a little further.

June is Audiobook Appreciation Month, and I wanted to run a fun audiobook photo challenge for this month. Use my tutorial and post your photo with the hashtag #AudiobookPhotoAppreciation21 between June 1st and June 25th. On Wednesday June 30th I will host an awards ceremony for my favorite photos. I have big plans, and it will be a fun time!

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