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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Sofía Acosta Makes a Scene- Review

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Kids for the gifted book that I read along with the library audio.

written by: Emma Otheguy

narrated by: Carla Corvo

rating: really liked

Sofía has grown up in a ballet centric home just outside of New York. Her Cuban American family lives and breathes ballet. Both her parents were professional dancers, her sister is a ballet prodigy, and her brother shows immense promise. However, Sofía is a bit of a ballet disaster. She would rather be dreaming up beautiful costumes than drilling 8 counts to perfection. But when one of her parent's friends from Cuba comes to visit with her talented son who is going to be a featured ballerina at the American Ballet Theatre, Sofía has to face what it means to be an Acosta and what it means to be a Cuban American.

I really enjoyed this book and this deep dive into a sub culture of America that I only know tangentially. I grew up dancing, but as someone who is height challenged I never had aspirations to be a professional ballerina. I didn't know the strong Cuban connection to ballet and I loved this exploration of how to fit into your family, how to harness your dreams, how to reconcile your ties to two countries and more. I was entertained throughout and thought this would make a great book for children and parents to discuss.

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