I saw @BiblioPals do a #BookishConnections post and had to participate as well.

And of course I had pair it with a photo in which Gilbert and I are both OVER the Texas snow, but he looks so cute in his sweater. We thankfully have been affected very minimally at our house, but many haven't. Please pray for Texas.
📚 Is there genre you typically avoid?
📖Sci-fi, Horror, YA
📚 Is there a book on your shelf that you're ashamed you haven't read yet?
📖The Emily series by L.M. Montgomery is the one that jumps out at me when I look at my shelves.
📚 What is your worst habit as a reader?
📖Requesting too many books on Netgalley. Thinking I read faster than I can
📚 Do you read the synopsis prior to the book?
📖I like to go in pretty blind to a book. I may read the synopsis and put a book on my TBR, but then not read it again before I actually read the book
📚 What's the most expensive book you own?
📖I am not one for buying expensive books. I would guess my 1937 version of Gone with the Wind
📚 Do you buy used books?
📖Yes, I love a good deal! I don't buy a ton of books though because I have limited shelf space in my house. Although I am about to get some more shelves hopefully.
Please join in! I'd love to hear your answers!