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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Eight Perfect Hours- Review

Thank you Simon Audio for the gifted audiobook.

by: Lia Louis

narrated by: Emma Powell

rating: really liked

A story of constant coincidences written so you believe and cheer for each one. It is bubbly and fun and does not fit squarely into the romance box. In fact, once I realized that it was not a typical romance, I was able to enjoy the tone and pacing much more. This story is more about the main character Noelle coming to terms with her wants and needs in her life. She begins to live into what she wants her story to be instead of conforming to all the things she thinks it should be. By the end I was cheering for the success of almost every character.

Don't let the snowy cover lead you astray. This is a read for any time of year.

Content Warning: Suicide, Mental Illness

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