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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Hooked- Review

Thank you Hachette for the gifted book I read in partnership with the library audio.

Hooked: How Crafting Saved My Life written and narrated by: Sutton Foster rating: really liked

As a fan of Younger and Bunheads I am therefore a Sutton Foster fan and when I saw the title of this memoir I was intrigued as someone who also loves to craft.

I was so enthralled with this book. Told through the projects she has created, Sutton tells the story of her life in a vulnerable but yet still lighthearted way so you are rooting for her, crying with her, and celebrating all her wins.

If you like a celebrity memoir, if you like Sutton Foster, or you love crafting, this is one you should pick up.

Content Warning: Infertility, Death of a Parent, Mental Illness

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