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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

If I Disappear- Review

Updated: Sep 2, 2022

Thank you for the gifted book Netgalley and Berkley.

by: Eliza Jane Brazier

rating: meh

Oof. I really wanted to like this book. I love true crime podcasts and a book based on a fan becoming obsessed with one sounds right up my alley. However, I should have DNFed this book. This weekend I stopped reading this book and read a whole middle grade book to avoid reading this. I had to force myself to finish this book and with 5 minutes left of it last night I went to sleep because I could not make myself to finish the last few pages before turning out the light. I kept getting confused by the timelines of all the characters. Things seemed to need much more time than they were allowed in the plot. Also the motivations behind the crimes committed are still a little foggy to me after finishing the book and skimming the epilogue once more. Not one character is remotely likeable except a horse, and things were just a little too helter skelter for my taste.

Minimal open door sexual content

Content Warning: Murder, Kidnapping, Animal Abuse, Alcoholism

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