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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe- Review

written by: Heather Webber

narrated by: Stephanie Willis, Bethany Lind, and Nicholas Techosky

rating: loved

Anna Kate finds herself in her mama's small Alabama hometown for the first time to bury her Grandma Zee and settle her estate. Zee's will has stipulations however that get Anna Kate involved in Zee's blackbird pie cafe and therefore its patrons. The pie and the blackbirds it's named for stir up quite the fuss in this town.

Now Anna Kate is dealing with some fuss about her appearance in town. Her mama disappeared before the town knew she was pregnant and now her existence is making the gossip mill churn. And for the first time Anna Kate has a chance to meet her daddy's family. But the past is more than the stories that they all have been clinging to and the ways they've used to cope.

This book had me salivating over the food descriptions and put me in the kitchen after over a month of food aversions due to morning sickness. I had to whip up a blueberry buckle to satisfy my book induced cravings! And like a perfect dessert, the sweetness of this story is perfectly balanced with some substance to give it depth and flavor. Heather Webber books have heart, a sprinkle of magic, oodles of southern charm, and a perfect dash of romance. They are like that well worn porch swing, the perfect place to land.

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