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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Read Island- Review

"From out to in, from here to there - Books can take you anywhere."

Thanks to @booksforwardpr for sending over the most DARLING PR package with this book (see the end of this post for a picture and links!)

written by: Nicole Magistro

illustrated by: Alice Feagan

rating: loved

In this adorable rhyming book illustrated in the most lovely cut-paper collage style, we learn about an island made of books! And when the wolf calls, all the island's inhabitants clamber in for story time.

As this book covers the magic places books can take you and the adventures you can experience through words on a page, it gives permission to get lost in your own imagination.

I love how in these pages the magic of books is celebrated. Books so give us so many things. Adventure. Perspective. Entertainment. A safe place to land. And a safe place to learn. All we have to do is read.

I hope as we near the end of the year and we are pressing towards our yearly reading goals, we remember that reading is whatever we want and need it to be. We don't have to force ourselves to certain numbers or genres. Your "read island" is what you make it.

"For make-believe though it may look,

There is an island make of books.

This world of stories, safe and true,

Is always here to welcome you."

The package I got with this book is just the cutest thing and you can order these items yourself! A puzzle, socks, wrapping paper, and note cards are all available. Find them all here: These would make great gifts.

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