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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Such a Quiet Place- Review

Thank you Simon Audio for the gifted audiobook.

by: Megan Miranda

narrated by: Rebekkah Ross

rating: liked

I loved the last two Megan Miranda books I have read, but this one missed the mark for me. This one felt much less thrillery than her other books or even how this one was marketed. It is more of a slow burn mystery. Maybe if I had gone in expecting more drama and less heart racing, I would have had different feelings about it. I did like how entranced I was in the setting. I could totally place myself inside the neighborhood, inside these houses, and inside these social relationships. The characters were multi-faceted and dynamic. The mystery is compelling and revealed in the perfect little crumb droppings. Writing this review makes me appreciate the writing so much more than how I experienced it. Publishers have to stop saying things are thrillers when they are not.

Content Warning: Murder

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