by: Carolyn Keene
rating: liked
If you want to join in a Nancy Drew Book-club, I run the #NancyDrewBookCrew over on my Instagram where we are reading all the books in order. You can come participate in the discussion there!
The discussion questions I wrote for this book and my answers to them:
How did you feel about the book overall? This book doesn't even feel like a normal Nancy book to be. It was disjointed and had so many annoying characters.
This book was revised prior to many of the other revised versions we have read. Now that you know that, does it change your thoughts on the book? Yes. I can see how the revisions hit their stride after this book was done. It feels very clunky and I wonder if the original version feels less disjointed.
Do you think that this book fits the tropes and Nancy's character of the others? No. Nancy is more dependent on her dad, she continually asks his permission for things she does not in other books. And she even gets a warrant to snoop which is very un-Nancy like. But then she does things like impersonate someone and get mail that isn't hers that feels very morally gray.
What were your thoughts and reactions about the interrupted coerced suicide attempt? About the inclusion of hypnotism and séances in general? I was shocked it was in a Nancy book and even more shocked for how glazed over it was. I don't expect a Nancy book to deep dive an issue like that, but it was so cast aside that it was off-putting.
How big of a fan are you of Nancy's dog Togo? 100% huge fan! I love that he saves the day and finds Nancy and he sounds so cute. I hope we get more of him. Especially since this is the first time we have seen him in the revised editions but they act like he's always been here.
How many eyerolls would you give this book? Probably 3. One for the old lady and how ridiculous she is. One for the suicide attempt and how poorly it was handled. And one for how little I cared that this mystery got solved.