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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Gold in These Hills- Review

Thank you Netgalley and Thomas Nelson for the gifted book!

by: Joanne Bischof

rating: really liked

"I guess the secret to life just might boil down to counting our blessings one moment at a time. And that maybe as we do, we realize that even though the sun isn't right overhead, it's been light all along."

Themes of reconciliation, hope, family, and finding your way are all found here. Life doesn't always go as we planned, but following the Lord always has us ending up where He wants us to be. And His plan is better than ours, always.

Not shying away from the pain of loss and suffering, this book leans into it in a tender way. It focuses on forgiveness and healing. I will definitely be reading Joanne Bischof again.

{I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.}

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