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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Islanders- Review

Thank you Simon Audio for the gifted audiobook.

by: Mary Alice Monroe and Angela May

narrated by: Michael Crouch

rating: loved

Jake is sent to stay with his grandmother Honey on a remote little island off in the South Carolina low country. He is apprehensive on the way over on the ferry because he just isn't sure what to expect. But he quickly makes friends with Macon and Lovie and they are given free reign to explore the island and learn the lessons the island can teach. They get in some trouble, bicker amongst themselves, and ultimately learn how to lean into their friendships to support each other through some hard moments. Plus they get to be on Dawn Patrol and help out with the turtle team to identify, protect, and ultimately observe some turtle eggs hatching! I'm excited for the next book!

Content Warning: Mental illness(depression), Injured Parent, Incarcerated Parent

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