Thank you PRH Audio for the complimentary audiobook!
by: Natasha Preston
narrated by: Lillie Ricciardi
rating: meh
I had a picture I loved for this book and changed it to this photo, which I like but isn't stellar like the first photo, because this book did not deserve that great photo. That pretty much sums up my feelings.
Wowza. This book is really bad. Like why didn't I DNF it bad. Esme is working as a junior camp counselor at the camp where she did something bad as a kid (this is revealed as you progress through the book). Someone is terrorizing the camp and making threats. So of course they don't call the police because this unknown horror person tells them not to... ummm y'all are taking care of 7-8 year olds and you aren't willing to protect them? Plus Esme keeps saying she wants to keep a secret but she is the worst detective and secret keeper... She is horrible about learning who to trust. Do better Esme.
***SPOILER*** Characters are murdered at the end and it's just seems like it was the easiest way to finish the book except the book doesn't really finish because the murder gets away and it ends on a cliff hanger.***SPOILER***
Would not recommend. Do not waste your precious reading time. I really should stop trying to read YA.
Content Warning: Animal Death, Kidnapping, Murder, Torture