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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Library-Review

Thank you Netgalley and Aria Fiction for the gifted book!

Bella Osborne


This book is a DELIGHT. I requested it on Netgalley on a whim and it worked its way into my favorite books of the year so far. It's not my usual genre, but it's so heartwarming that I couldn't put it down. Tom is a 16 year old boy being raised by his alcoholic father after his mom years ago. He likes a girl, but doesn't know how to talk to her. He seeks guidance at his local public library in the romance section. There he meets Maggie, a 72 year old independent lady, who frequents the library weekly for book club and runs her own farm. When the library is threatened to be closed, it propels these acquaintances into an unlikely friendship. These two form a bond that goes beyond what you would expect, but it's because they are both what the other needs. If you love sincere characters that are sweet but not too much so, you will enjoy this book that is not just about a library, but about finding your family and where you belong.

Content Warning: Alcoholism, Death of a Parent, Bullying

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