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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Maid- Review

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Thanks to Netgalley, PRH Audio, and Ballantine Books for the gifted book.

by: Nita Prose

narrated by: Lauren Ambrose

rating: loved

I devoured this book in one day. It is the kind of book that sucks you in and keeps you intrigued throughout. That being said, I would dub this book slow paced. It relies heavily on dialogue and the recollections of the main character Molly who doesn't interact with the world like everyone else. But Molly is so endearing and interesting that I wanted to hear all her thoughts! Plus the side characters add so much color to this one. This is a cozy mystery at its heart and a delightful read. But that ending... that is one to discuss!

I would suggest reading this one on audio. I normally don't suggest one way or another to read a book, but I think Lauren Ambrose's narration added so much depth and interest to Molly that it enhanced my reading experience of this book.

I have seen friends who didn't enjoy this one and I totally understand why, not every book is for every reader. But this book was a sweet treat for me.

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