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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Spanish Daughter- Review

Thank you Netgalley, Recorded Books, and Kensington Books for the gifted book!

written by: Lorena Hughes

narrated by: Frankie Corzo

rating: liked

Puri was born and raised in Spain, loving chocolate. She knows her passion for chocolate comes from her absentee father who spent the majority of her life on his cocoa estate in Ecuador. Upon her father's death she learns that she has inherited that cocoa estate, so seeking a new life after the devastation of WWI, she and her husband Cristóbal set out for their new life. But when someone tries to kill Puri on their journey and accidently kills Cristóbal instead, Puri decides to go undercover as her husband to find out why her inheritance has put a price on her head. Along the way she learns about family, family secrets, and what it means to trust.

I liked this story in that I learned so much about historical cocoa plantations and the dynamics that were at play at this time in Ecuador. But overall I found this book very slow and I wasn't fully engaged in it. The characters weren't super likeable and Puri herself was so wishy washy in her feelings and so repetitive in her harping on how men have easier lives than women, that it was overdone. The mystery of this book wasn't plausible in how it shook out and felt very overwrought.

All in all, I think unless you like a complicated character driven family drama, you should pass on this one.

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