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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Stars of Whistling Ridge- Review

Thank you Netgalley and Harper Kids for the gifted digital book that I read along with the audio from my library.

by: Cindy Baldwin

narrated by: Reba Buhr rating: loved

It's kind of hard to hug an audiobook, but I wanted to when I finished this book. It is full of southern charm, magical realism, and a splash of a mystery. Thirteen-year-old Ivy Mae lives in an RV with her two little sisters and parents. They travel the country so her mama, who is a fallen star in human form, can tend to the magic that is woven throughout our world. But Ivy just wants a home in one place with real friends. So when she steals all the wishes in her Mama's supply to wish for just that, they end up with her mom's sister (and fellow fallen star) in Whistling Ridge, North Carolina to deal with the fallout of that wish. Once there, they realize the town is leeching magic and the star sisters are unsure how to stop it. Meanwhile Ivy is trying to give herself roots in this place while investigating a legendary, mysterious love story that defines the town. Celebrating the growing pains of siblings, the ordinary magic of libraries, the feeling of home, the journey of friendship, and responsibility of using your natural giftings, this book is a middle grade marvel that will appeal to so many readers.

Content Warning: Death, Grief

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