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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Vanderbeekers Make a Wish- Review

Thank you Netgalley and Clarion Books for the gifted book!

by: Karina Yan Glaser

rating: favorite

The latest installment of the delightful Vanderbeekers series does not disappoint. In this book, the kids are preparing to celebrate their dad's 40th birthday with a big surprise party. But when he is called out of town to help a friend, they are launched into a treasure hunt to find out more about a trip his dad planned for him, but died before he got to take him on it. And as they are hunting for more information about their deceased paternal grandfather, they are walking on eggshells and trying to avoid their maternal grandparents who showed up and have taken residence in their home for the week.

Touching on racism as well as topics of respect and boundaries, this is a beautiful book that adds layers upon layers of charm onto the already endearing Vanderbeekers. Read this book series in order and you will fall in love with this family and all their found family as well.

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