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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Weeping Tide- Review

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon Kids for the gifted book.

by: Amanda Foody

rating: really liked

I wasn't sure where Foody was going to take this series in book 2, but let me tell you, everywhere it needed to go with doors open to discover more exciting adventures, Lore, Beasts, and relationships in the upcoming books!

In this one we move to a new land and a new threat. Barclay continues to learn more about himself and his Lore as well as the history and present day status and functions of this world he is just getting to know. We also get to meet a wide new array of characters who add such verve and interest to this already colorful cast. Foody writes with an adept hand in creating a world that is so different from our own but also feels like a place you know.

I cannot wait to see where Barclay and gang adventure next and how Foody continues to flesh out these characters and this world.

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