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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

The Woman with the Blue Star- Review

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

Thank you Netgalley and Park Row Books for the gifted book!

by: Pam Jenoff

rating: really liked

I love that through reading historical fiction my eyes are continually being opened to new facets of history, especially WWII history. This story takes place in occupied Krakow and follows Sadie, Jewish girl, who has to go hide in the sewers, and Ella, a privileged Polish girl, who finds herself in a situation she never imagined. These girls end up with their lives intertwined and are set on a path that is life threatening and will definitely change their lives forever.

I really felt like I was walking these tunnels and streets with these characters and I felt their emotions alongside them. The ending was everything I needed it to be. This story will be one that stays with you.

Content Warning: Death, Oppression, and Violence associated with German-Occupied Poland

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