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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Unlost- Review

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for the gifted audiobook!

A journey of self-discovery and the healing power of the wild outdoors

written and narrated by: Gail Muller

rating: really liked

A memoir about Gail's journey along the Appalachian Trail, written in beautiful poetic language with interspersed flashbacks, Gail explores themes of self discovery, pain, strength, and human connection with beauty and humor and gracious self reflection. She is honest about her limitations and flaws which only elevates her tenacity and inspirational feats.

Gail narrates her own audiobook and her charming British accent just adds to the beautiful story and reflections she shares. Plus there are some interspersed clips of her recording her thoughts while on the trail that just add to the allure of her story.

Content warning: sexual assault, language

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