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  • Writer's pictureEmilee Meeks

Upgrade- Review

Updated: Sep 2, 2022

Thanks to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for the gifted book.

by: Blake Crouch rating: really liked

Whatever Blake Crouch writes, I wanna read! He sucks you in. I read this in almost one sitting on my first night of vacation and only because I could no longer keep my eyes open. And the next morning I immediately grabbed it up and finished it.

Logan works for the government's Gene Protection Agency. He seeks to find and arrest those who are gene editing. But his relationship with the science is complicated because of a horrific family legacy.

After a raid of a dark gene lab goes awry, Logan starts to notice changes in himself, and realizes he's been... upgraded?! His genome has been hacked. And once again he has to face that complicated family legacy, as well as his morality.

This upgrade has set a sequence of events in motion that Logan has no choice but to engage in. And he has to decide if the evolution of humanity is his to engineer or not.

A thrilling ride that is full of science and broad concepts, but is also a character study on the purpose of life and the power one man can hold. I was enthralled from beginning to end.

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