Thank you Netgalley and Waterbrook Multnomah for the gifted book I read along with the audio!
by: Andrew Peterson, Jonathan Rogers; N. D. Wilson; Jennifer Trafton; Douglas Kaine McKelvey; A.S. Peterson
narrated by: Andrew Peterson
rating: really liked
This short story collection runs the gamut from a ballad to a love story to an emotional novella. I loved being back in the world of Aerwiar and experiencing all it holds once again. I love the Saga books and recommend them on audio, but I actually think I would recommend this one in print so you can be more immersed in the story.
I saw someone else say this on Goodreads "...This collection of tales is like very high end fan fiction. It IS high end though." And that is the perfect description of this collection!
Content Warning: Kidnapping