This was @FortWords pick for our Postal Book Club and her last pick wasn't my fav, but I really enjoyed this one!

by: Sarah Miller
rating: loved
I have always been a big Little House fan and reading the story from Ma's perspective was a fun way to re experience the story. It was fascinating to read from an adults perspective what life was like and the opportunities afforded to women during this time and in this culture. You get to see not only the physical burdens that Caroline dealt with, but her emotional and spiritual burdens as well. It's still a bit magical to dream of the life of a pioneer family, but getting the adult's perspective grounds that reality a bit more.
I also liked seeing a bit of the married relationship between Caroline and Pa, but I do wish it would have been a bit more closed door. That being said, I think it was done tactfully for what the book is.
If you are a fan of the Little House books or just pioneer books in general, this would be a great read for you.
What has stuck with me the most is from this book is Caroline's poise. In this book she is pregnant as she travels across the country to a new place with new people to build a new home. She has to do hard physical labor, as well as carry the emotional burdens of her husband and two young daughters, while internally trying to plan for the baby to come. Now as I am walking through my own pregnancy, I find myself regularly reflecting on Caroline's strength and resilience in the face of overwhelming unknowns and hardships. While here I am barely function on my couch in the air-conditioning. This is a book that will I think forever have a place in my memories.