by: Jon Cohen
narrated by: Josh Bloomberg
rating: favorite
I don't reread often, but I am doing a postal book club with my friends @fortwords @what_amy_reads and @kacy_elise and somehow none of them had read this book, so I HAD to make this my choice of book to send. But before sticking it in the mail, I wanted to refresh my memory. And boy am I glad I did, it was just as delightful if not more so the second time around.
This book by definition falls into the genre of adult contemporary fiction, but it has the feeling of some of my favorite other genres. It is incorrectly labeled as magical realism on Goodreads, but it just feels that way, no fantastical magic lies within these pages, just the magic of ordinary life. It has a young protagonist, bounces between perspectives, and has the hope of a middle grade novel. One character has a plot arc that mirrors a coming of age story, but he is fully an adult. There are also stories of love, grief, second chances, the magic of books and libraries, self realization, repentance, revenge, community, and life direction within these pages. All in all it is a real life version of a fairy tale and is a book you will want to hug and then press into the hands of all your friends.
Content Warning: open door sexual content, death of a loved one